Thursday, June 16, 2011

Austin's movin on up

Austin's movin on up to Kindergarten that is. The school had a cute little graduation ceremony for the graduating class. The school that Austin attended was brand new as of October 2010 so this was the first graduation class.

They put on a little performance for the parents, then they called each child buy name and handed them their certificate, with refreshments afterword. They even got to keep the tassel on the cap. To cute!

We took a tour of his elementary school last week and he seem to love the idea that he gets to eat lunch at school. I can pretty much bet Austin will be down 10lbs the 1st month.

note: I have to say I am sorry about the pictures. I am trying to learn how to use my camera, it is a slow process, but I am getting somewhere. I have no idea what happened with some of these, and others I couldn't get it to focus on the right object.

Walking out...I was a mess

One of the songs they sang...Sunshine day

The only picture of him getting his diploma

They taught the kids The pledge of allegiance of in Sing language

Savannah's boyfriend Josh came to sit with us for a little. Austin and Blake (Josh's brother) are attached at the hip and have several play dates a week

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