Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grow a frog

you can see it if you look hard in the back left corner

The frog that Beam and Poppy got Austin for Christmas came today!! He is so excited, he just doesn't understand "grow". We gave the tadepole food and Austin got up set because he didn't grow in front of his eyes. This will be interesting. He is afraid to walk away from it, at quiet time he told me I had to watch it and make sure he didn't get away. He has also named it "jump", because frogs jump he says. I tried to take pictures of it which was pretty hard because it is see through.

1 comment:

Tara Rutter said...

Not sure how long the frog takes to grow but if it’s a while have you seen the dinosaur eggs that ‘hatch’ the dinosaur? You put the egg in water and within a few hours (I think) the egg starts to crack. The dinosaur comes out of the egg completely within 48 hours. Benjamin got a big kick out of it and would check on the progress first thing every morning.